A strategic technology might be an existing technology that has matured and or become desirable for a broader range of utilizes. It might be an emerging technology review and tech trends that provide a chance for strategic business benefit for early adopters/ with potential for substantial market disruption in the next five years. The above technologies reviews affect the organization's long term plans, first step and programs.

The following are the top technologies reviews and trends reviews that will be strategic for most organizations in 2013.

Mobile device battles

By 2013 mobile phones will catch up with computers as the most general web access device globally and that by 2015 over 80% of the handsets sold in mature markets will be smart phones. Nevertheless, only 20% of those handsets are likely to be Windows phones. 
Enterprises will require supporting a greater variety of form factors decreasing the power to standardize computer and tablet hardware. The implications of Information Technology is that the period of PC dominance with Windows as the single platform will be substituted with a post-PC era where Windows is simply one of a variety of environments IT will require to support.

Mobile applications and HTML 5

The market for tools to make user and enterprise facing applications is complex with well over 100 potential tool vendors. For the next few years, no single tool will be optimal for all kinds of mobile application so expect to hire various. Nevertheless, there will be a long term shift away from native applications to Web apps as HTML5 becomes capable.

Personal cloud

The personal cloud will step by step replace the computer. It will mean the unique collection of services, connectivity and web destinations that will become the home of their computing and communication actions.

Consumers will see it as a portable, invariably accessible place where they go for all their digital needs. In this universe no one platform, form factor, vendor / technology will prevail and handled diversity and mobile device management will be a very important. The personal cloud shifts the center from the customer device to cloud based services delivered throughout devices.

Enterprise application stores

By 2014, it is expected that many organizations will deliver mobile apps to workers through private application stores. With enterprise app stores the role of Information Technology shifts from that of a centralized planner to a market manager offering governance and brokerage services to consumers and potentially an ecosystem to affirm entrepreneurs.

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